Cardio and Core Workout

Here is an awesome cardio and core workout. You have 8 exercises, 5 rounds with 30 sec of each exercise and each side:


3Jump from side to side 1


1. Jump in and out

2 Squat and punch 1

2. Squat and punch

3Jump from side to side 2

3.Jump from side to side

4Step back extend and kick 2

4.Step back extend and kick forward

5Squat and side twist from side to side 1

5. Squat and twist from side to side

5Squat and side twist from side to side 2

6. Standing side crunch

7Plank with alternate arms and forearms 2

7. Alternate palms and forearms plank

7Plank with alternate arms and forearms 4

8. Plank with alternate feet up

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