Delicious and Healthy Cherry Tomatoes Avocado Toast!

Need some appetizer ideas for your holiday gathering? These yummy cherry tomatoes avocado toasts will please the crowd. Enjoy!



1 good quality baguette

2 ripe avocados

10 cherry tomatoes lemon juice from

1/2 lemon

1 clove garlic

1 small red onion

salt and pepper to taste

cilantro to garnish (optional)

Slice the bread into 1/2 inch pieces and toast until brown and crisp.

Cut your avocados in half, remove the pit, scoop the flesh into a bowl and mash it up with a fork or spoon. Add diced onion, garlic, tomatoes, lemon juice, salt, pepper and mix gently.

Spread the mashed avocado evenly among the toasts, and garnish with cilantro for extra taste.


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