Blueberry Pecan and Oat Cookies

Photo Sep 26, 11 40 15 PM

This recipe makes about 30 mid-sized cookies.


½ cup of butter

1 cup dark brown sugar

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1.5 cup of old fashioned rolled oats

1 cup all purpose flour

2 tsp. of cinnamon

½ tsp of salt

½ tsp. of baking soda

¼ tsp. of baking powder

¼ cup of chopped pecans

1 cup of fresh blueberries

Photo Sep 26, 10 38 37 PM


-In a bowl mix cream butter and brown sugar, add the egg and vanilla extract and mix together.

-Add flour mixed with oats, cinnamon, salt, baking soda and baking powder.

-Delicately stir in the pecans and the blueberries.

-Use a spoon to make the cookies and bake them for 14 minutes in a 350 degrees oven.

-Cool them on wire before serving. Enjoy!

You can substitute fresh blueberries for frozen ones.

Photo Sep 26, 11 05 16 PM Photo Sep 26, 11 07 52 PM Photo Sep 26, 11 33 53 PM

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