Butternut Squash Spaghetti with Eggs

I love squash and recently have been trying to find ways to make more recipes with it.  On my latest trip to the supermarket I came across butternut squash spaghetti and knew I had to try it.  I added a few extra ingredients to make the meal even more delicious.


-1 lb of butternut squash noodles from Kings Food Markets

-1 tablespoon of olive oil

-2-4 large eggs from Kings Food Markets

-2 oz of fresh bacon crumbles

-1/4 cup of fresh grated parmigiano reggiano or parmesan

-salt and peer to season

-1 tablespoon of freshly chopped parsley (if desired)


Spread the butternut squash on a baking sheet, drizzle it with olive oil, add salt and pepper.

Bake the butternut squash in an oven on 400 degrees for 10 minutes mixing it gently in between.

When ready take out and divide evenly between two plates.

Top it off with a poached egg.

Drizzle it with fresh bacon crumbles and parmesan.

Great for dinner time or a nice full lunch.

Bon Apettit!

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