Strong Core and Healthy Back Workout

Be better at what you do, strengthen your core and back.

Here is your workout.



1. Walkout with Alternate Palm to the Side

2. Mountain Climbing

2. Mountain Climbing

3. Plank with Alternate Forearms and Palms

3. Plank with Alternate Forearms and Palms

4. Side Legs Lift and Crunch

4. Side Legs Lift and Crunch

5. Russian Twist

5. Russian Twist A

5. Russian Twist

5. Russian Twist B

6. Alternate Legs Up and Down

6. Alternate Legs Up and Down

7. Plank and Alternate Side Openings

7. Plank and Alternate Side Openings

8. Knees to Chest and Crunch

8. Knees to Chest and Crunch A

8. Knees to Chest and Crunch

8. Knees to Chest and Crunch B

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